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Welcome to Coolham Montessori Nursery School


Here at Coolham Montessori we believe nursery school learning should be fun, but should also prepare your child for the next stage of their education, and set the tone for future learning and aspirations. This is where the Montessori principles come into their own. 


Montessori is a method of education that is based on self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play. In our Montessori classroom children make creative choices in their learning, while the classroom and the highly trained teachers offer age-appropriate activities to guide the process. Children work in groups and individually to discover and explore knowledge of the world and to develop their maximum potential.


Dr. Maria Montessori discovered that experiential learning in the classroom led to a deeper understanding of language, mathematics, science, music, social interactions and much more.

Every material in our classroom supports an aspect of child development, creating a match between the child’s natural interests and the available activities. Children can learn through their own experience and at their own pace. They can respond at any moment to the natural curiosities that exist in all humans and build a solid foundation for life-long learning.

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Maria Montessori became Italy’s first woman doctor in 1896.  She began work with disadvantaged children in Rome, and with the help of the equipment and techniques of her design, these children passed state examinations. Dr Montessori concluded that other children could benefit from her teaching methods.

Throughout her life, Dr Montessori continued to study the science of education-publishing numerous books and articles.  She founded training centres for teachers and travelled extensively, giving lectures and visiting newly founded schools.

Dr Montessori emphasised that the goal of early education should not be to fill the child with facts, but rather to cultivate their own natural desire to learn by helping them to do things for themselves.

The idea that children teach themselves is at the core of the Montessori philosophy, her learning methods are based on the fact that at this most important age children have a unique ability to absorb information.


There is no doubt that Maria Montessori’s methods were, and still are revolutionary, and her efforts have changed the very essence of education for young children, building a firm foundation for their future.


We like to ensure there is clear and distinct communication between everyone who works here at Coolham Montessori, your child, and parents or guardians. Our supervisors are always on hand to discuss any problems or enquiries you may have, however the most convenient time to do this is at 11.40 am or 2.40 pm when the children are settled at story time. You may also wish to contact the manager, Sue Tully, after Nursery hours, her details can be found here. 

Each child will also have their own learning journal, a record of all their work and progress completed everyday. This is available for you to see at any time, and a source of achievement and pride for many of the children here to share with their parents. Keeping a journal such as this not only allows the children to be responsible for their own work, but allows parents too see exactly what the children do each day and what their strengths are. Handover times also provide key moments to discuss your child's day, and let you know what they have been up to.

Any additional information will be emailed on a regular basis so please make sure to check your emails regularly. The notice board inside the Nursery is also always updated with new information so be sure to keep up to date with this.

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Easter Bonnet Parade:

To celebrate Easter the children each make their own Easter bonnet at home, decorated with anything from chicks, flowers, ribbon, plastic eggs, pipe cleaners, glitter, felt any materials you like. This encourages self expression from the children as they choose exactly how to style their hat. They then bring their creations into nursery and a 'parade' is organised, in order for them to show them off to each other and celebrate the work they've achieved and the traditions of Easter. 


Sports day:

Each year in the summer we hold a sports day on the playing fields outside the nursery. Each child takes part in individual races and group races, whether this is the sack race, egg and spoon, relay, jumping or sprint, each receive stickers and medals at the end. We like to invite family and friends to participate in this event, having a picnic on the grass and joining in with the days activities. 

End of School Party:

At the end of the school year we like to celebrate by having a party, saying farewell to those leaving us to start Primary School and congratulating the work and progress made by everyone that year.


Christmas Nativity:

In December each year the children put on a Christmas Nativity Show. Angels, Shepherds, Wise Men, and of course Mary, Joseph and their Donkey, the children choose a role and may learn a few words to say in order to present the biblical story to parents, gaurdians and friends. 

Christmas Party:

As well as the Nativity in December, we also have a Christmas party to celebrate the special time of year. A range of seasonal activities are available for everyone to join in with, as well as Christmas music and games. 

Weekend Bertie Bear:

​The Bertie Bear activity involves a child taking this nursery teddy bear home for the weekend, where he is then included in as many experiences as possible with the child. The child then returns and relays the recent events to the class - often with great enthusiasm. This builds on their language skills in a fun and exciting way. It is encouraged that pictures are taken or a short diary is made to show everyone the fun they had. 


We like to celebrate birthdays by playing a Montessori Birthday Game. The children sit in a circle and a plate with hand prints is placed in the centre to represent the sun. The birthday child then travels around the ‘sun’ holding a globe. Each time around is counted as a year and as they walk a story is told about how they have grown and developed. Not only does this teach the children about how the world works and the basic physics behind it, but it is a special activity to celebrate their birthday in a different way. On these occasions it is nice for your child to bring a baby photograph and perhaps some small cakes or biscuits in to share with the other children. 

September 30th 2012 1st week Oct 128.JPG
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01403 741101

01903 209170

Coolham Village Hall

Billingshurst Road



West Sussex

RH13 8QN

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