Find out our weekly themes and topics, chosen to inspire and teach your child.

Each term we focus on different topics, themes and letters, ensuring we cover a wide spectrum of subjects to teach and interest each child. Each week we concentrate on a new theme and letter, and encourage the children to bring in an item from home beginning with the letter we are looking at. This is called the ‘Sound of the Week’, as at this early stage it is important that all letters should be introduced by their sounds and not their names. For example, ‘ssss’ and not ‘ess’ for the letter ‘s’. A sock, string, spoon, or straw could be bought in to demonstrate this sound. When we teach a child to form letters we always use lower-case letters, except at the beginning of names.
Occasionally we ask the children to bring in something for our Theme Table or Nature Table. For example the theme may be materials or light and dark.
Please see the term calendar below for further information.